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Label Design for Clinical Trials

Bright, friendly offices with modern equipment ensure an optimal working atmosphere.

Clinical Trial Supply Label Design department: your trials in safe hands.

Our Clinical Trial Supply Label Design department creates labels for clinical trials. Our media designers and proofreaders are professionals who work fast and error-free. Faubel delivers "Right First Time" - that's what our customers have relied on for more than 20 years, and that's what makes us market leaders.

But what makes us better than our competitors? We create flexible capacity by constantly growing our department. We train new colleagues for up to a year, allowing them to benefit from our expertise. We enable concentrated work by providing our staff with state-of-the-art offices sitting two people only.

Our processes, checklists and specifications are constantly analyzed and subject to a Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). This customized infrastructure accompanies our customers in every job, not only at our headquarters in Melsungen, Germany but also when visiting customers worldwide.

Covid-19 has fast-tracked research. Services such as routing (obtaining country-specific approvals) and label design using a phrase library have been used by our customers as an external backup facility. The short video below will show you the capabilities of our Clinical Trial Supply Label Design department.


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